Water Vapor Stick Electronic Cigarette, E-Cigs Starter Kit Denver Colorado

Do Electronic Cigarettes Work?

New smoking model for smokers


In this modern time, cigarette smokers are more informed about smoking and other tobacco alternative products that claim to be safer than real tobacco. One of these new products is the electronic cigarette. Smokers can now enjoy all the benefits of traditional smoking without the dangers of lung cancer and health-related illnesses caused by smoking tobacco.
Apparently nicotine is believed to be the culprit in causing health-related problems brought about by smoking too much tobacco. With e-cigarette, the effect of a nicotine hit is just the same without the consequences. But do electronic cigarettes work?

Vapor stick e-cigarette, electronic cigarette
The answer is YES. E-cigarette smoking works for smokers who do not have the will power to give up their nicotine habit. The fact that you can get the refill cartridges in varying degrees of nicotine offers some obvious benefits to those who would like to avoid the effects of smoking tobacco.

Electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine through cartridges, as the electric charge turns the contents of the cartridge into an enjoyable vapor that gives the same sensation as cigarette smoking.

Some medical findings of a local survey about electronic cigarettes have shown that technology can help smokers kick the habit. Doctors reported that many regular tobacco smokers who used e-cigarettes were able to quit tobacco smoking within two months.
Based on the study results, 6% of smokers quit smoking after 2 weeks, with 52% of smokers are reported to have both increased levels of energy and visible improvement in their physical appearance. When asked if an e-cigarette could act as an agent to overcome all the physical and psychological challenges to quit tobacco smoking, all doctors said that e-cigarette is the most effective treatment.

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In addition, the electronic cigarette is non-flammable and lasts longer than traditional tobacco products. The electric cigarette is battery powered, has a glowing red tip, and tastes like the real thing. A tiny atomizing chamber inside the stick heats up the liquid when the user takes a drag, and within a second reduces it to vapor.
There are 4 types of cartridge, low, medium, high, and zero nicotine.

Since it has no flame and does not produce smoke, passive smoking is impossible making it perfect to use anywhere. Its only restriction is for people aged 18 or under, for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or for people with high nicotine intolerance.

Starter kit, e-cigarette, vapor smoke, e-cigs, e-liquid, electric cigs, accessories, chargers